Okay so what have I been doing since Queensland! I have been enjoying myself tremendously in Melbourne. Melbourne has really become my home here in Australia. I love this city! There is so much to see and do, especially now that it is getting nice and warm all the time. I have made many more friends and even more exciting, I have made Australian friends hee hee. It seemed for awhile the only people I was really hanging out with were Canadians that were doing the same work that I do. This hasn’t changed completely but at least now I have the best of both worlds.
As far as the North America friends go, us CRTs (casual relief teachers) get together quite a bit. It is nice. We meet for trivia or just a few drinks at different bars from time to time. Tomorrow the plan is to get together at a market for music, food and boozes! I also actually met an American doing the same stuff I am. Her name is Shayna and she is from New York. We have become very close friends very quickly because we have the same interest: live it up while we are here!!! That is exactly what we have been doing. Together we found a Halloween party and a bar that dressed up for Halloween. Went to Melbourne Cup together, this is comparable to the Kentucky Derby in
the states! And much, much more.
I also have been lucky enough to meet my friend Liam. He is super hee hee. Liam is a born and raised Australian and has really shown me around this great city. His friends are super cool and accepting of this American chic. Through these guys I have ventured to new bars, suburbs, festivals, beaches and even participated in an Australian BBQ. Life has been good. This past weekend a fun group of us went to a Latin Festival and Phillip Island.
I can’t believe I have already been here for 4 + months now! I also just came to the realization that I was planning on leaving this amazing continent in June so I really only have 6 more months here. I think I might have to extend that at least by a month. The plans are to continue living and working here in Melbourne but travel through the holidays and whenever I feel like it. So far Adelaide is planned for December, Sydney for New Year’s, Western Australia for January. The rest is in the works on getting the right dates. After I leave Australia in June or July, I will be going on an around the world trip to make my way back to America. I am quite excited about all of this and will continue to keep you updated on all my fun!