Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fitting in!

So I have now been in Melbourne for over a month and pretty much a regular here hee hee not quite but I can pretend can't I? Work is set and I have worked a lot. Most days are great but none the less I would way rather be off exploring than working. Not that I mind being in the classroom but still....I'm in Australia.

Monday us girls had off because we mainly work in the public sector of the schools. Poor Dean had to work because he has been at a Private boys school everyday since he started working here. We all went to a cafe, used the internet and chatted away. Then we were off to chapel street for some shopping. I got a great dress and had a blast. The next couple of days were just normal workdays with coming home, eating and sleeping. However Thursday we decided we would live on the wild side and actually go out during the week, after all we are here to have fun first and foremost. We went to ladies night and had a blast. Friday at work was a little tough since we had stayed out a bit too late. So come Friday night we split up. Amy and I were in charge of ordering the delivery food and going to get junk food while Caitlin and Dean went to get the stuff to finally hook up our internet. We all met back and had a lovely night in, eating our chineese food and watching a movie. It was classic all of us snuggling together on the pull out couch in the living room watching Fun with Dick and Jane.

Saturday we were a little bit more livelier. Since we got paid on Friday it was time to truly shop hardcore. So off we were back on Chapel street. Dean, Caitlin and I hit the shops with a vengeance and found some awesome deals. Dean went with his must have items ie wieghts and a laundry basket where as Caitlin and I were after more important things like going out clothes. We did well and we even featured some of our new items when we went out on Fitzroy street that night. On the way home I had the best chocolate croissant of my life!!!! It was amazing and the bakery is open 24/7, it doesn't get better than that.

Sunday I was sick with a cold so I stayed in bed till 3pm which I never do. I wasn't sleeping however the whole time. We had finally set up the internet and all of us had to try it out on our own laptops in our own domains. We were literally skype chatting with each other even though we were just in our own rooms across the hall from each other. It was that kind of Sunday. We did get a lot accomplished though! We tagged and put up very important pictures on facebook as well as started planning our trip to Queensland!

Come Monday Dean had way too much time on his hands during work and practically planned out our next six months from the list of things we had all said we wanted to do which is amazing!!!! Now I am psyched that we have things rolling because I was getting very antsy. I have been wanting to start venturing outside of Melbourne. That night Caitlin and I joined Sam and her hostel mates to a comedy show downtown. It was hilarious and we had a great time. Loving life right now on a new side of the world.

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