Monday, February 7, 2011

Christmas in Australia

This Christmas season was a little different from most. For one it is summer here so not your typical white Christmas weather. Secondly I wasn't around my family. Despite missing my family I did enjoy myself and found ways to get into the holiday spirit.
In Melbourne I went to the tree lighting early on in December with some of my friends. There were carols sung and performers, plus a visit by Santa and his elves:) When I was in Adelaide I also stumbled upon the Carlos by Candlelight, which was a great way to get me stoked for the season.

When I got back from my trip from Adelaide I had just a few days before Christmas. Laura and I went Christmas shopping and got santa hats to stroll around town with.
The next day was Christmas Eve and I had big plans to fit in what I wanted to do plus learn how the Aussies do it. I found out there was a church service with Christmas songs at the gorgeous historic church across from Federation Square.
It was a beautiful service with famous Christmas songs sung in multiple languages. It helped me remember the reason for the season. Then I met up with the rest of the gang for the Australian style of Christmas Eve. I quickly realize here in Australia everything is a reason to drink. Liam took my friends and I to meet up with his friends at the Espy for a great social night plus dancing.

The next morning was Christmas morning. There was still excitement in the air but not quite like when I am at home running downstairs with my niece to open pressies. This was new and different excitement. When I woke up, I had flatmates cooking in the kitchen. I was off to an early start to meet up with Liam and his family. First I went to his house and saw his dad and brother. I brought fudge for them and a gift for Liam. Liam had given my gift the night before, which was amazing smelling perfume. He opened his up on Christmas morning. I can't remember the name they call it but I got him this certain kind of hat that I had seen him looking at a few weeks back.
He seemed to really like it and wore it all day. We were then off to his mum's house but not before stopping off at the liquor store. They got a big case of beer and I got a cherry cordial for his mum. I got to meet his uncles and his mum's boyfriend that day. We all talked and had a great Christmas morning. It was truly different from how my family does things but was really nice to be invited to join in on this Aussie family's Christmas day.

By afternoon it was time for me to report back to the my apartment for the North American Christmas dinner. We had it all turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, mashed sweet potatoes, Christmas cookies, fudge (my contribution), ect. We all sat around the table and pigged out. We then exchanged our secret santa gifts. It was great fun. After that we started a few drinking games and then a few of us had a dance party in the lounge room until late hours into the night. It really was a blast.

The next day was actually Christmas in America so all morning long I skyped with family. First I got up at 6:30 to skype with my Grandma and my aunts on my dad's side of the family. It was nice to see their beautiful faces. Then I skype with my mom, dad and sis. After all that it was time for me to go to my first cricket game. That is the tradition here in Australia to got see Australia versus England on boxing day. It was interesting and cool to see. The atmosphere was the best. We made sure to find seats in the roudiest section to ensure the full experience. Unfortunately this is the first time in 12 plus years that Australia had started off boxing day with such a huge loss. Nonetheless Laura, Greg and I fully enjoyed ourselves.

Afterwards I went to see after Liam. The boys and him were all napping when I came over because they had, had such a big night the night before (christmas) and that day as well (boxing day). Poor boys were very out of it and I drove them to go get some food. I love being able to drive here in Australia. I have gotten quite good at it and Liam is nice enough to let me drive every once in awhile. Then we went back to his place and watched the great Christmas movie, Elf!

The next morning I got up super early to finally do Christmas with my family....via webcam. My niece had Christmas at her dad's so we waited until the 26th in America (my 27th) to open all our presents. I had sent them a package and they had sent me a package. Technology is so wonderful these days it felt like I was really part of it. I got to see my beautiful niece's reaction to all her million and one gifts. We were all smiles. Even though it was like I was there I must admit that it wasn't quite the same and this was probably the most I had gotten homesick the whole time I have been here.
But on the another note it just made me feel so blessed and reminded me that I have such a great family. Not a fact I forget often but one I do take for granted everyonce and awhile.

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